Honey bee pollen blend with help from our happy hives right here in Flagstaff and Northern Arizona!
Our bee pollen is collected as our little friends bring it back to the hives and then naturally dried to preserve its freshness and longevity. This pollen will last much longer than the kind you have to keep in the fridge or freezer which spoils quickly.
Studies, as well as numerous testimonies, have helped show the amazing benefits of eating bee pollen. It is considered one of the most effective superfoods, packed with vitamins, minerals, and natural enzymes. It’s also said to be a great help for many people suffering from seasonal allergies. Consuming bee pollen is thought to help your body recognize the pollen as a natural part of your diet and not produce the histamine allergy response to seasonal pollen when it gets in your nose or eyes.
Bee pollen is slightly sweet, as the bees naturally mix it with nectar into little balls to carry it in their back leg “bee baskets”. It goes great with MANY different foods, including tea, ice cream, breakfast cereal, oatmeal, honey, peanut butter, and more!
Our wildflower bee pollen is a blend from our own Flagstaff rescued bees and other trusted natural beekeepers we work with, for maximum floral variety and nutritional benefit.